
(From vol. vi, 2nd edit., 1827.)

(Tin beaten out to the finest leaf by gold beaters, under the name of false or plate metal, is the purest tin. For medicinal purposes a grain of this is triturated with a hundred grains of milk-sugar for an hour in a porcelain mortar, whilst frequently scraped up with a bone spatula; this produces the first hundred-fold dilution of this metallic powder, which is then treated in a similar manner up to the million-fold (I used to carry the dilution up to the billion-fold, but in the course of time found the million-fold adequate for all medicinal purposes.)

The ancients have recorded wonderful cures of the most serious diseases with tin, some of which I will refer to in the notes. But the moderns know (or think) nothing of all this – after careful testing or from well-founded conviction? I doubt this very much. (The trashiest idea or most frivolous proposal, if it only comes from England, Italy, of France, and especially if it be brought by the very latest post, is in Germany esteemed as something incomparable, and it is considered a point of honour to accept it blindly with effusion (until, after three or six months, the usual uselessness of the foreign recommendation is discovered, when there is again a hunt for some flesh novelty from foreign countries) – whilst honest fellow-countrymen and the truth loving men if former times remain unnoticed and unread.)

The moderns only know tin as a remedy for tape-worm, and use it only in the form of tin filings, of which they theoretically (for careful testing is too much trouble for them), of which, I repeat, they theoretically declare: “that it expels the tape-worm from the bowels solely in a mechanical manner, by means of its weight and sharp points,” without thinking that were this true iron, silver, or gold filings must be able to do the same.

Now, in order to effect this theoretically inferred scouring out of the tape-worm by the sharp points of the tin filings with greater certainty, they gave to the patient these tin filings, in doses, the larger the better; as much as half or a whole ounce or even more at a time, and this dose repeated several times.

This procedure, however, is founded on caprice and a foregone conclusion, for the original receipt which ALSTON first communicated to us from the domestic practice at the beginning of last century – for it was from this source that the employment of tin for tape-worm was derived – before then no doctor knew anything about it – is quite different.

“A woman of Leith, in Scotland,” says ALSTON (Mater. Med., I, p. 150), “had a domestic receipt against tape-worm (fluke-worm, Toenia soluium), which a publican’s wife, Maria Martin, got from her, whereby she got rid of this worm.” ALSTON procured it from her daughter. It was as follows: – “Take an ounce and a half of tin (pewter-metal (Pewter-metal is not pure tin, which, as is well known, is very soft, but the hard, brittle, so-called English tin, which is composed of soft, pure tin, with a twentieth part of alloy, generally zinc (but sometimes also copper, bismuth, &c.), melted together. This may be not only easily filed, but even triturated to a powder in a mortar (see NICHOLSON, Chemistry, Lond., 1790, p. 355.)

Here there is no question of sharp-pointed coarse tin filings, but only of a fine powder ground in a mortar or on a grindstone. It is impossible that the fine powder of the original receipt, from which alone all the curative power of tin for tape-worm was learnt, could have been efficatious, if its efficacy depended on the mechanical points of tin filings.

Here we see how stupidity the theory of the medical school was wont to spoil the good that lay in the discoveries of domestic practice.

But more accurate observation and experience show that neither tin filings nor ALSTON’s syrup prepared with tin powder really kill any species of tape-worm. For who has ever seen the former or the latter by itself expel the tape-worm dead from the intestines? Always and in every case that aid of purgatives must be had recourse to, and even then the worm was seldom seen, and even if it were thereby expelled, the tin seemed only to have acted as a stupefying agent on the tape-worm. So little is tin capable of killing the worm, that if the purgative (as usually happens) fails to expel it wholly, after frequent repetitions of the administration of tin, the tape-worm goes on increasing in the bowels to a still greater degree; indeed, it usually excites more frequent fits of suffering (these being readily induced by some little ailment of another sort). Moreover, workers in tin not unfrequently suffer from tape-worm to a very great extent. Hence tin seems rather to cause a palliative suppression of the disagreeable movements of the worm, and this in the secondary action contributes more to the unjury than the benefit of the patient.

But if a palliative of this character be sometimes necessary, then, as sure experience has taught me, it is not necessary to give whole ounces of tin, as has hitherto been believed, but a very small portion of a grain of the above-described million-fold dilution of tin powder is more than sufficient for a dose.

On the other hand, the following few observations of the artificial morbid symptoms produced by tin on the healthy body teach us how to make a multitude of much more useful homoeopathic employments of its great healing-powers.

The duration of the action of tin is over three weeks in chronic diseases.

I must, however, warn every careful practitioner never to entrust the preparation of triturations of this and other similar metal powders to a hied workman if he would wish to be certain to have that which he means and ought to have. He must prepare them himself, with care, accuracy and patience, if he would be sure of the result.


The following old-school authorities are cited for pathogenetic and therapeutic observations:

ABRAHAM. MEYER, Diss. Cauteloe de Anthelminth., Gottingen, 1782. (Commerc, lit, Nor., Ann. 1734.

ETTMULLER, Colleg. Consult.

FOTHERGILL, Med. Observ. and Inquir., London, 1784, vi.

GEISCHLAEGER, in Hufel, Jour., x, iii.

HOFFMANN. FR., opera. Tom. ii.

MONRO DON., Arzneimittel., i.

MURALTUS, in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, Ann. i.

QUINCY, New Dispensat.

STAHL, G., E., Mat. Med.

THIERRY, Med. Experiment.

VOGEL, R. A., Praelect. De Cogn. Et Cur. Morb.

The first edition has 552 symptoms, this second edition 660; in the Chr. Kr there are only 648].



Stupefying vertigo, only when walking in the open air; he staggered hither and thither in walking, so that he feared he must fall (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

Giddy when seated as though he would fall from his chair (aft. 12 h.). [Gn.]

Sudden attack of vertigo, on sitting down (aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]

Transient feeling of vertigo, just as if he were sitting quite apart and the objects and persons about him were at a great distance from him (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

5. Vertigo as if the brain turned round (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Transient, but frequently recurring vertigo: he feels as if the brain turned round; he loses his thinking power, cannot read any more, and sits there as if bereft of consciousness. [Hrr.]

Dizziness of the whole head (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]

Great heaviness and confusion of the head – worse in the evening.

Confusion and stupidity of the head, as if about to have catarrh – also sneezing; but it does not come to catarrh.

10. Heaviness in the head when at rest and when moving, in the evening, for two hours (aft. 9 h.).

Usually every morning headache, nausea, anorexia, and crossness.

A humming in the head; external noises vibrated in the head.

As if sleepy and exhausted in the head.

Painless pressure from within outwards in the left side of the occiput (aft. 5 d.). [Hnl.]

15. In the left half of the brain a feeling of emptiness, with pressive heavy sensation, impossible to relieve (aft. 25 h.). [Htn.]

Pressive pain out at the right side of the head. [Gn.]

Pressive pain from within outwards in the right temple, almost ext(aft. 3 h.). [Gn.]

Pressure in the left temple, beginning weak then increasing and again declining, as if it would be pressed in. [Gss. (Five grains of pure tin-lea were intimately triturated with 100 grains of milk-sugar, and this two provers took for four successive days, in the morning fasting, increasing the dose every day; the man took in all three grains, the woman only two.) ]

Pressive pain, extending from the middle of the forehead to the centre of the brain (aft. 11 h.). [Gn.]

20. A kind of pressure in the temple, crown, and especially forehead, which is alleviated by the pressure of the hand. [Gss.]

Aching pain in the right temple when lying on it, which goes off on rising up (aft. 5 d.). [Gn.]

Pressure in the forehead, undiminished by stooping forward, relieved by external pressure, aggravated by bending backward. [Gss.]

Sudden sharp pressure on the crown, with the feeling as if the hairs were moved at the same time. [Gss.]

Obtuse pressure outwards, and especially upwards, in the middle of the forehead, in the region of the frontal suture inwardly (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

25. A pain pressing outwards at the forehead with sleepiness, unaltered by stooping forward or bending backward, worse when she ceases to press on it with the hand. [Gss.]

A pain pressing outwards at the frontal protuberances. [Gss.]

Pressive stupefying headache close above the eyebrows as if the brain there were pressed, when at rest and when moving (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Dizzy pressive feeling distributed through the whole head. [Hrr.]

Aching pain in the forehead.

30. Pressive stupefying pain, especially in the forehead, more externally than internally, when moving and when at rest (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]

Compression of the occiput, under the crown. [Fz.]

Painful pressing of the brain in the crown and occiput against the skull, in the evening before going to sleep, and lasting after lying down. [Hnl.]

Pain like pressing-in of the temples all day.

Headache, as if the temples were pressed in.

35. Compressive feeling at the temples and occiput.

Painful feeling in the head as if the whole brain were stretched out and drawn asunder.

Constrictive pressing pain suddenly attacks the whole upper half of the head, beginning slightly, slowly increasing, and then gradually declining. [Gss.]

Spasmodic pain on the head as if the head were outwardly compressed by a band.

Contractive pain in the right side of the occiput (aft. 53 h.). [Gn.]

40. His head often feels as if it were screwed in, with intermittent slow jerks or drawing pressure here and there. [Gss.]

Violent painful jerk above the forehead through the anterior half of the brain, leaving behind it an obtuse pressure until the jerk returns (aft. 6 h.). [Htn.]

Sudden pressive jerk in the left side of the forehead and left temple, so that if smashed in the forehead.

Stupefying boring pressive pain on the surface of the left half of the brain, spreading from the centre of the parietal bone to the left frontal protuberance (aft. 8 h.). [Htn.]

45. Boring pain in the left temple all day (aft. 4 d.).

Aching boring pain in the right temple, which is removed by external pressure (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]

In the occipital bone painful heaviness with feeling of boring (aft. 11 h.). [Htn.]

Transient pain draws through the left frontal protuberance with slight pressure. (Drawing pressure, or pressive drawing seems to be a chief pain with tin.)[Gss.]

A pressive drawing through the forehead and crown. [Gss.]

50. Pressive tearing through the right side of the head (aft. 2 h.). [Ws.]

Pressive tearing in the right half of the forehead recurring by first, worse when stooping (aft. 12 h.). [Htn.]

Pressive tearing pain in the left side of the occipital bone (aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]

Drawing pressure from the right parietal bone towards the right orbit. [Gss.]

Drawing pressure on the upper border of the left orbit. [Gss.]

55. In the temple and half of the forehead of the same side, a confusing pressive drawing. [Gss.]

Aching tearing pain in the forehead. [Hrr.]

Tearing pressure in the right half of the head (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching tearing pain in the left side of the crown, inwardly (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching tearing pain in the left side of the occiput. [Hrr.]

60. Persistent aching tearing of the head with dizziness and vertigo. [Hrr.]

Tearing pain in the left parietal bone and forehead. [Hrr.]

Jerk-like drawing tearing above the left eye-brow, outwardly (aft. 1 h.). [Lr.]

On the left frontal protuberance a long, blunt stitch. [Gss.]

On the right side of the top of the head some quick yet blunt stitches. [Gss.]

65. Fine pricking on the forehead above the region betwixt the eyebrows. [Fz.]

Burning shooting on the crown. [Fz.]

Stitch-like headache, especially on the left side of the forehead, with fluent coryza. [Lr.]

Shooting in the forehead, even when at rest, for several days – on stooping feeling as if all would come out at the forehead.

Along with chilliness of the body, heat in the head, pulse-like shooting in the temple and weakness of the head, so that the reason was almost gone; at the same time slumber and unconsciousness.

70. Beating pain in the temples.

Heat inwardly in the forehead, whilst she was also hot to the external feeling.

Headache: burning in the half of the sinciput, like fire, so also in the nose and eyes – these parts were also hot outwardly – just the same when moving as when at rest; he must lie down; at the same time nausea and retching as though he would vomit (for a whole day from morning till evening.)

Festering pain on the head.

Burning tensive pain on hairy scalp in front, just above the right side of the forehead (aft. 7 h.). [Gn.]

75. On shaking the head the brain seems to him to be loose and to strike painfully against the walls of the skull. [Gss.]

A pimple on the left eyebrow, with pain of an aching character when touched, but burning when let alone.

Suddenly some jerks on the upper border of the right orbit and on other parts with painful stupefaction of the head. [Gss.]

On the outer side of the left upper orbital border, painful obtuse blows in quick succession. [Gss.]

Dull, dim, sunken eyes (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]

80. Her eyes are very dim.

Contraction of the pupils (aft. ½, ¾ h.). [Lr.]

Dilatation of the pupils (aft. 26 h.). [Lr.]

Burning in the eyes.

Smarting in the eyes, as after rubbing with a woolen cloth. [Fz.]

85. Pain in the eyes as if they had been rubbed with a woolen cloth, alleviated by moving the eyelids (aft. 1 h.).

Itching sensation in the whole left eyeball; it did not quite go off by rubbing (aft. 30 h.). [Gn.]

The eyes project and are painful as though she had been crying.

Pressure in the eyes.

Aching in the left eye as from a stye on the lids. [Fz.]

90. Tensive stitch in the left eyeball, most violent when it is moved (aft. 58 h.). [Gn.]

Pressure in the left inner canthus as from a stye, with weeping of the eye (aft. 5 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching pain in the right inner canthus. [Hrr.]

Burning shooting pain towards the outer canthus of the right eye (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

Pricking burning pain in the left canthus (aft. 2 h.). [Gn.]

95. Itching in the inner canthus.

In the left inner canthus an abscess, like a lachrymal fistula.

The eyelids contract, with redness of the white of the eye and burning sensation (aft. 5 d.).

Aching in both upper eyelids (aft. 4 h.). [Gn.]

Sensation behind the right eyelid as if a hard body were betwixt it and the eyeball (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

100. Violent, small, burning pricks in the right upper and lower lids, rather towards the outer canthus (aft. 9 h.). [Htn.]

Burning pain in the left lower eyelid (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.]

The eyes are gummed up every night and very weak by day.

Quivering at the right inner canthus (aft. 4 d.). [Hnl.]

Quivering of the left eye, for a week.

105. Twitching of the eyes.

Ringing in the left ear (aft. ¼, 9.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Rushing in the ear as from blood streaming through it. [Fz.]

On blowing the nose a screeching in the ear.

In the evening, creaking before and in the left ear, as from a door. [Fz.]

110. Feeling as if the left ear were stopped up,with hardness of hearing, which is diminished after blowing the nose, in the morning after rising from bed, for four days. [Hnl.]

Drawing in the external ear, like painful earache. [Gss.]

Repeated drawing in the left ear, like earache. [Gss.]

Tearing pain in the right inner meatus auditorious, as in earache (aft. 6 h.). [Hrr.]

Drawing in the whole right inner and outer ear more painful when moving the lower-jaw (aft. 3 h.). [Gn.]

115. Cramp-like pain in the whole right ear for eight hours (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

Pinching tearing through the cartilage of the left ear, at the lobe of the ear, together with sensation if a cool wind sometimes blew upon it (aft. 4 h.). [Ws.]

Drawing stitch on the top of the left auricle (aft. 10 h.). [Gn.]

(Itching in the left ear.)

The ring-hole in the lobe of the ear becomes ulcerated.

120. Boring pain in the right ear, with cold feet.

Aching externally on the bone behind the ear.

Feeling of stoppage and weight in the upper part of the nasal cavity. [Hrr.]

Immediately on awaking in the morning violent epistaxis.

Epistaxis in the morning immediately after rising from bed (aft. 22 h.). [Hnl.]

125. Flying, quickly coming and quickly going, heat in the face, perceptible inwardly and outwardly. [Gss.]

Pale, sunken countenance (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]

Long, pale face, sickly appearance (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]

Drawing aching attacks on the right side of the facial bones, especially the zygomatic process and orbit, in a jerky manner. [Gss.]

Aching gnawing on the left side of the face, especially on the zygomatic process (aft. 3 d.). [Ws.]

130. A sense-stupefying sensation in the face, especially on the forehead (aft. ½ h.). [Lr.]

Cramp-like pressure in the facial muscles, on the left malar bone under the eye (aft. 6 h.). [Ws.]

Contractive pain in the facial bones of the right side, including the teeth; it feels as if the right side of the face were drawn shorter. [Gss.]

Burning pain in the muscles of the face under the right eye (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

Tearing from the zygoma downwards into the lower jaw near the angle of the mouth. [Gss.]

135. Drawing pressure on the right zygoma. [Gss.]

In the evening burning cramp-pain in the left cheek, and soon afterwards swelling of the cheeks, which, only when he draws the face away, has cutting aching pain, as if splinters of glass were between the cheek and teeth. [Fz.]

Burning sensation in the right cheek (aft. 10 h.). [Gn.]

Contraction and aching under the right cheek internally. [Fz.]

Painful swelling of the left cheek with a gum boil – the pains make her sleepless.

140. In the face, itching papules, which have sore pain when touched or washed.

Cramp and spasm in the jaws.

Pain of the upper jaw; it is swollen, the cheeks are red and there is shooting in them.

In the lower lip a shooting tearing pain on a small spot.

On the angle of the right lower jaw a red boiled with drawing pain, aggravated by touching, for eight days.

145. Broad cutting stitches anteriorly on the chin (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]

Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands (aft. 8 h.).

On the fore part of the neck, a red, somewhat elevated spot with a white papule in the centre, not painful even when touched. [Ws.]

The teeth feel too long.

Looseness of the teeth.

150. Speaking is disagreeable for him.

Speaking is difficult for him, because he wants the power to do it. [Gss.]

Flow of saliva into the mouth. [Fz.]

Viscid mucus in the mouth.

Tongue covered with yellowish fur (aft. 5 d.). [Gn.]

155. When swallowing a cutting as with knives in the oesophagus. [Fz.]

Shooting in the upper part of the fauces causing dryness, when not swallowing. [Fz.]

Dry sensation and shooting in the throat at the right tonsil, which makes him cough, and is slightly allayed as well by coughing as by swallowing. [Fz.]

Under the pit of the throat inwardly a scratchy scrapy feeling. [Gss.]

In the evening scratchy in the throat.

160. In the morning scrapy in the throat.

Much mucus in the throat.

In the evening irritation in the throat making him hawk up much mucus, followed by pain of excoriation in the throat.

Painful feeling in the throat, as if the throat swelled with sore pain, neither increased nor diminished by swallowing; after hawking up much mucus, the voice becomes higher than usual in pitch when singing.

In the throat a feeling of swelling and drawing tensive pains in it, with dry feeling.

165. Flat taste in the mouth (aft. 5 d.). [Gn.]

Sour and bitter taste in the mouth (the first 3 d.).

Beer tastes herbaceous (aft. 55 h.). [Gn.]

Beer tastes flat and sourish-bitter.

Bitter-sour taste in the mouth.

170. Tobacco when smoked tastes acrid and dry.

Bad smell from the mouth.

He has no appetite and yet the food tastes well (aft. 13 h.). [Gn.]

The infant will not take the breast of the mother who has taken tin, bends itself backwards, and will not suck her again.

He has a good appetite as usual and eats a great deal because he relishes the food. [Gss.]

175. Only on one occasion at dinner, though she had empty feeling in the stomach; she had no proper appetite; otherwise she retains her appetite and hunger undiminished, as when in good health. [Gss.]

Great appetite and hunger; he ate more than usual, and could not become satiated (aft. 7 d.). [Gss.]

Increased hunger (aft. 36 h.). [Hrr.]

Increased appetite and hunger (aft. 60 h.). [Hrr.]

Increased thirst (aft. 8 h.). [Hrr.]

180. Whilst eating, when he has just swallowed the morsel and it is not far from the entrance to the stomach, there occurs a rumbling in the belly – a peculiar dull noise, audible to himself. [Gss.]

Soon after a meal (whilst smoking the accustomed tobacco) hiccup. [Fz.]

Hiccup occasionally.

Frequent hiccup (aft. 1.1/4, 8 h.). [Lr.]

Frequent empty eructation (aft. 1/8 h.). [Lr.]

185. Something sweetish rises up in his throat.

Frequent bitter eructation after a meal.

Eructation from the stomach with flat taste in the mouth and much saliva. [fz.]

Sourish eructation, whereupon his oesophagus became rough, when walking in the open air(aft. 9 h.). [Gn.]

Early in the morning frequent eructation, at first of sulphureted hydrogen gas, then merely of air. [Gss.]

190. Several times shuddering, as from loathing, with a nauseaous fulness in the scrobiculus cordis (immediately).

After eating, nausea.

After partaking of some soup she became sick and must vomit something bitter as gall.

Sensation of nausea (and bitterness) in the mouth. [Fz.]

Nausea and inclination to vomit in the oesophagus (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

195. Nausea, as if he would and must vomit, in the fauces and oesophagus (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

(He vomits acid.)

Violent retching and at last vomiting of undigested food (aft. 2 h.); in the evening again retching, and thereafter first sour, then bitter taste in the throat – the following day renewed retching, and again on the third day, with great nausea and a feeling of deranged stomach and bitterness.

Vomiting of blood. (ALSTON (Mat. Med., I, p. 152) saw haematemesis cured by tin, as by magic.) [GEISCHLAGER, (Effect of swallowing granulated tin.) in Hufel. Journ. d. pr. A., x, iii, p. 165.]

Anxious pressive pain in the scrobiculus cordis, when lying, just as if he should have an attack of haemorrhage, for a couple of hours; it went off by pressing on it (aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

200. Pressure in the stomach. (The pressure is described as insufferable.) [GESCHLAGER, l. c.]

In the forenoon pressure in the stomach.

After partaking of a little soup pressure in the stomach and discomfort.

Violent stomachache.

Pushing and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis. [Fz.]

205. Pushing and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, which pains as if festering when touched. (This, the previous and the following, as also some other symptoms, e.g. 201, 203, 207, 208, 217 – 219, 224 – 226, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 240 – 243, 258, 259, point to some kinds of hysterical and hypochondriacal spams and pains in the abdomen and diaphragmatic region, in which tin is homoeopathically useful, as was known to ST. J. AUG. ALBRECHT (Diss, exh. Medic. Satrun. Et jov. Hist. et usum, Gott., 1772, p. 34) and GEISGCHLAGER (IN Hufel, Journ. . pr. A., x, iii, p. 165).) [Fz.]

Tensive aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 2 d.). [Gn.]

Cutting about the stomach.

Spasmodic griping in the stomach and round about the navel, so that she was constantly sick, and when it came up towards the scrobiculus cordis she became very anxious.

Anteriorly in the abdomen, immediately below the cartilages of the last ribs, on the left near the scrobiculus cordis, a pressure as with a blunt stick somewhat relieved by pressing on it with the hand. [Gss.]

210. Soon after eating a painful long prick on the ensiform cartilage. [Gss.]

Sensation in the scrobiculus cordis as from disordered stomach. [Fz.]

Fulness and distension of the stomach, and yet at the same time hunger. [Fz.]

Whilst walking sensation in the stomach as if swollen up under the skin, with pinching in the bowels. [Fz.]

Causes sufferings in the stomach and bowels. [G. E. STAHL, Mat. Med., cap. vi.]

215. Transient burning transversely across below the diaphragm. [Fz.]

Cutting pain in the right hypochondrium, more severe when sitting in a bent position (aft. 6 h.). [Ws.]

Pressive cramp-like pain under the left short ribs, alternately weaker and stronger (aft. 7 h.). [Htn.]

Several severe stitches one after the other in the right side of the abdomen, especially when coughing and breathing.

A shooting in the right side of the abdomen; thereafter, drawing in the right shoulder – she must lie down, with sweat on the face and arms, during which a chilliness ran over her.

220. First simple pain in both sides under the short ribs, then there are jerks are jerks from the right to the left side through the belly, like obtuse bows – it seemed to be worse when she pressed on the right side. [Gss.]

In both sides under the true ribs suddenly a painful starting or jerking together. [Gss.]

Here and there in the abdomen painful jerks. [Gss.]

On the left, betwixt scrobiculus cordis and navel, pain as if the muscles were nipped with two fingers. [Gss.]

When he presses with his hand on the umbilical region he feels a pain up to the stomach and to both sides under the ribs.

225. In the left side under the ribs bruised pain.

Aching in the hepatic region.

Boring stitch in the left side of the upper belly, when walking (aft. 12 h.). [Gn.]

On the right, near the navel, a slow obtuse pressure. [Gss.]

During inspiration a stab as from a sharp knife darted suddenly from the left to the right side through the belly, so that she started in affright. [Gss.]

230. The abdomen is painful to the touch as if gathering, at the same time shortness of breath. [Fz.]

Frequent attacks of bellyache.

Pinching cutting pain in the umbilical region almost all day.

Painful digging about above the umbilical region; when she pressed on it, it felt as if she came on a sore place. [Gss.]

Digging in the abdomen before every motion of the bowels.

235. Spasmodic bellyache below and above the navel, which went off in a few minutes by lying over a table, without discharge of flatus.

Sore feeling in the whole abdomen, worse when touched. [Gss.]

Sore pain in the abdomen.

With weakness of the whole body all the intestines seem to be in a languishing state, with great emptiness in the abdomen, and yet no proper hunger – on commencing to eat he relished the food, ate a great deal, and felt better thereafter. [Gss.]

After a meal feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. [Hrr.]

240. After eating fulness in the abdomen.

Painful distension of the abdomen, which is painfully sensitive to external touch.

Flatulent distension of the abdomen.

Displacement of flatulence.

Gurgling in the abdomen. [Gss.]

245. Loud rumbling after every meal, only when lying (aft. 54 h.). [Gn.]

He has much rumbling about in the abdomen. [Gss.]

On stretching the body rumbling in the abdomen, as from emptiness (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]

Rumbling in the hypogastrium (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]

Much flatulence accumulates in the abdomen. [Fz.]

250. A pinching and noise in the stomach as if diarrhoea were imminent. [Fz.]

Pinching in the abdomen. [Fz.]

Pinching in the umbilical region, as from a chill. [Gss.]

Nausea in the abdomen with painful flatulence; on pressing on it both are alleviated. [Gss.]

Movements in the abdomen like griping, as from displaced flatulence (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

255. Creeping sensation in the right side of the abdomen, as from a purgative (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]

Pinching and aching pain in the abdomen, especially in the umbilical region, with feeling as if he must go to stool (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching pain here and there in the hypogastrium with urging to stool. [Hrr.]

Burning pain in the abdomen.

Burning sensation in the hypogastrium.

260. Burning pressure in the right side of the belly. [Fz.]

Pressure above the liver. [Fz.]

Drawing pressure in the abdomen, here and there (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Tensive pain in the abdomen more towards the sacrum, most severe when stooping (aft. 5 h.). [Gn.]

Cutting pain transversely across the hypogastrium, like cuts with a knife (aft. 60 h.). [Hrr.]

265. Drawing cutting sensation in the hypogastrium, close beside the right hip-bone (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

A pricking pain in the hypogastrium (aft. 30 h.). [Gn.]

Obtuse stitches inwards in the left renal region. [Fz.]

Pinching pain on stooping just above the left os ilii, as if a tendon were jerked over (aft. 25 h.). [Htn.]

Above the projecting angle of the pelvis, in the abdominal muscles of the right side, a feeling of being over-stretched. [Fz.]

270. Pricking in the junction of the ossa pubis, in the left. [Fz.]

Pressure in the inguinal glands with some swelling of them.

Fine pinching in the left groin (aft. 48 h.). [Ws.]

When stooping shooting pain in the right groin, as if he had sprained himself in leaping, which went off on raising himself up again (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

In the left groin, sensation as if a hernia would come out. [Fz.]

275. Pressive pain in the rectum (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.]

Itching prick in the rectum (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.]

Itching round about the anus, persistent (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

On the left side of the anus a small lump, like a pile, with sore pain only when touched. [Gss.]

Retention of the stool: the evacuation occurred twenty-five hours later than usual.[Hnl.]

280. Stool six hours later than usual. [Gn.]

Scanty stool.

Constipation, for some time, in the mother and her sucking infant.

Dry stool in lumps.

Stool with worm-shaped mucus.

285. Greenish and scanty stool.

The stool is unaltered, though he has frequent call to evacuate. [Hrr.]

Sudden call to stool, which is at first of an ordinary character, then pappy, and lastly, thin and attended by a shudder-like sensation through the body from above downwards, and a drawing from the sacrum through the thighs – when he would get up he always feels as if he had not finished (In one who was usually constipated.) (aft. 10 m.). [Gss.]

Soon after stool again an urging to it. [Fz.]

Ineffectual call to stool.

290. Frequent call to stool, when but little faecal matter is evacuated, sometimes only mucus.

Frequent call to stool, when but little faecal matter is evacuated, sometimes only mucus.

Frequent call to stool, which he had already evacuated twice that day, and when he again went to the closet he could do nothing. [Gss.]

She has more frequent call to stool than usual. [Gss.]

In the evening she felt as if she should have diarrhoea and must always go to stool, with pinching and painful moving about in the bowels, as if from a chill, at the same time she feels some blows in the left side, as from a foetis in advanced pregnancy, with distension of the abdomen – when she then went to stool there occurred a thinner evacuation, and when she then went to stool there occurred a thinner evacuation, and when she wished to get up she always felt as if more were to come; the bellyache remained until she got into bed, when it gradually went off. [Gss.]

Evacuation of dry, large-sized faeces, with violent cutting pains (aft. 2 h.). [Hnl.]

295. Evacuation of a single lump of hard faeces, with pressing (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

Difficult evacuation of a very firm but not hard stool, just as though the bowel had not spower to expel it (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

Immediately after evacuation of the stool, a feeling in the anus as if it were excoriated and sore, with fine pricks.

Occasionally, generally immediately after stool, but also at other times, a burning in the anus.

After the stool, burning pain in the hepatic region.

300. After the stool obtuse pressure in the rectum.

After the stool discharge of mucus.

Firm stool, which seemed to him to be slippery but was not so. [Fz.]

In the forenoon a soft, in the afternoon a thin stool (aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

Corrosive gnawing pain about the anus, when walking and sitting.

305. Frequent call to urinate: every night he must get up from sleep to pass water; this lasted three days, then, along with diminished quantity of urine, there occurred also slighter and rarer inclination to urinate than when in his usual health. [Lr.]

Retention of urine.

He has no desire to urinate – a fulness in the abdomen alone gives a hint of his need to do so – and when he then passes water it is very scanty and of a very bad odour; he can urinate very seldom, but all this without pain.

Painful pressure in the neck of the bladder and along the urethra after passing water; he always felt as if some urine were to come, and when a few drops do come away, the pressure becomes still worse for ten minutes (aft. 25 h.) [Htn.]

Burning in the urethra anteriorly, especially when urinating; he had desire to pass water every minute, and urinated copiously.

310. (Soreness of the extremity of the urethra.)

A vesicle at the border of the orifice of the urethra.

Burning pain in the glans penis and immediately afterwards urging to urinate (aft. 5.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

Burning stitch in the glans penis (aft. 26 h.). [Gn.]

Needle-prick-like sensation in the glans penis (aft. 1 h.). [Gn.]

315. Stiffness of penis, immediately – the following days he had no erections at all.

Jerks in the penis to the back part, almost as if semen would be ejaculated.

Burning in the internal genitals, a kind of strong inclination to seminal emission (aft. 24 h.).

Intolerable feeling of sexual desire in the genitals and the whole body going on to seminal emission (aft. 40 h.).

Seminal emission without lascivious dreams. [Lr.-Gn.]

320. (Prolapsus of the vagina renders the hard faecal evacuations very difficult.)

In the hypogastrium, pressing, as if the menses were coming, aggravated by pressing on it. [Gss.]

The menses come on more profusely than usual (12th d.). [Gss.]

A week before the menses an indescribable anxiety and melancholy, which ceases when the discharge is established.

Before the catamenia, pain in the zygomatic process when touched but during the menstrual flux a pain on the zygomatic process as from a blow, on merely moving the facial muscles.

325. Leucorrhoea of transparent mucus from the vagina.

The leucorrhoea ceases.(Curative secondary action of the vital force.)

Frequent sneezing without coryza (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

Severe stuffed coryza – he can only get air through the right nostril. [Gss.]

The left nostril is impermeable to air and is outwardly swollen, red, and painful to the touch.

330. At noon when blowing the nose, it becomes quite free and he can draw in air without impediment (aft. 4 d.). [Gss.]

Severe coryza (aft. 4 d.).

Roughness in the larynx.

When she attempted to sing, she must leave off every instant and breathe deeply on account of exhaustion and extreme emptiness in the chest, and she immediately became hoarse – a couple of weak cough impulses removed the hoarseness, but only for instants.[Gss.]

Occasionally a hacking cough as from weakness of the chest, without any other cough-irritation and without expectoration – the trachea seems quite free from mucus – with a hoarse, very weak sound because he was deficient in strength in the chest. [Gss.]

335. In the forenoon, phlegm in the windpipe, which is expectorated by slight cough-impulses, with an uncommon weakness of the chest as if it were eviscerated, and with great exhaustion in the whole body and limbs, in which a weak feeling spreads up and down – this expectoration recurred on several successive morning. [Gss.]

He feels the chest full of phlegm – a perceptible rattling, especially inwardly, and observed when breathing. [Fz.]

Irritation to cough in the windpipe when taking a breath, as from phlegm, and yet the excited cough as from much phlegm, and yet the excited cough was neither attended by phlegm nor dry – not so perceptible when walking as when sitting bent forwards. [Fz.]

Short cough with threefold impulse. [Fz.]

Constant irritation in the chest to cough as from much phlegm inwardly feeling of gasping and snoring (aft. 24 h.). [Fz.]

340. Constant contraction of the windpipe, which excites coughing. [Fz.]

Tickling cough, as from a soreness deep down in the trachea; there was scraping upwards as far as the throat.

Scrapy cough, at the commencement loose, with greenish expectoration of a disgusting sweetish taste, worse before lying done in the evening (10 o’clock) at the same time hoarse voice; after each time he coughs a sensation as of soreness in the trachea and thorax; the irritation to cough is at the bottom of the trachea, in the upper part of the sternum (aft. 5 d.).

Yellow expectoration from the trachea of a foul taste.

Expectoration tastes salt.

345. Before midnight much cough irritation with scanty expectoration – for several nights.

Violent shaking, deep cough.

Fatiguing cough-impulses, causing the region of the scrobiculus cordis to be very painful as if bruised.

Oppression of the chest as if it were inwardly contracted, which caused the breath to be apparently drawn in very dry. [Fz.]

Pressive squeezing in the left side of the chest, when sitting, increased by inspiration (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]

350. Pressure deep inwardly in the chest as from a weight lying on it. [fz.]

Tightness of chest: on moving but little he immediately loses his breath. [Hrr.]

When going upstairs and making other slight movements, want of breath. [Hrr.]

In the evening he is attacked by a severe tightness of chest, dyspnoea, and dreadful anxiety (aft. 60 h.).

Tightness of chest: he must unbutton his clothes – they feel too tight – in order to be able to breathe properly. [Hrr.]

355. Constriction of the chest, in the evening, with anxiety.

Troublesome oppression in the upper part of the chest – he must often breathe deeply, at the same time a feeling of great emptiness in the scrobiculus cordis. [Gss.]

In the evening anxiety; the respiration becomes shorter and he must breathe quickly for a long time, until he can take a single very deep breath, as when yawning – then the anxiety and short breathing are gone.

Oppression in the chest: something mounts up to the throat and stops the breath. [Gss.]

On breathing deeply she gets a feeling of agreeable lightness, which, however, lasts no longer than the respiration. [Gss.]

360. When at rest he sometimes experiences a feeling of widechestedness – just as if the chest expanded – and yet at the same time there is a peculiar sensation of anxiety as from palpitation of the heart. [Gss.]

His breathing is short, and though he does not want for air, laboured, from weakness of the respiratory organs, with great emptiness of the chest. [Gss.]

Tensive stitch in the sternum persistent during inspiration and expiration (aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

Tensive stitch in the left side of the chest, persistent during inspiration and expiration, worst when stooping (aft. aft 4 h.). [Gn.]

Tensive stitch in the right side of the chest, which almost took away his breath (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

365. While breathing, stitches in the chest and shoulder-joint.

Violent stitches in chest and side, from morning till midday, which hindered him in breathing – several forenoons; in the afternoon, distension of the abdomen.

Tension and pressure over the upper part of the chest, in the morning, on rising from bed.

Contractive chest-pain under the right arm, shooting when moving.

In the left side of the chest, suddenly, sharp knife-stabs. [Gss.]

Sharp penetrating needle-pricks on the clavicle. [Gss.]

Cutting, not quick stitches frequrepeated, up through the thoracic cavity and anteriorly out at the uppermost ribs, without reference to inspiration or expiration (aft. 14 h.). [Ws.]

Tearing cutting, almost like colic, in the left side of the chest, when walking and standing. [Lr.]

When walking, a squeezing cutting pain in the right ribs, only occurring during inspiration (aft. 7.1/2 h.). [Htn.]

375. When walking in the open air, burning stitches in the left side of the chest mostly during inspiration. [Hnl.]

In the last right true rib, and the left false rib, a prickling as from a flea. [Fz.]

Internal pressure outwards under the right nipple (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

The whole chest, from the throat downwards, feels to her sore inwardly. [Gss.]

The chest pains as if bruised, when moving and when at rest.

380. A pain in the whole chest, especially above the scrobiculus cordis, worse during inspiration. [Gss.]

Painfulness in the chest, like digging; it then goes down into the abdomen and digs painfully with desire to go to stool. [Gss.]

Drawing pressure on the projection formes by the last united costal cartilages on the left side of the chest. [Gss.]

Drawing from the clavicles across to the left axilla. [Gss.]

On rising up in bed a sudden drawing under the left breast; she then gets a couple of violent sharp knife-thrusts inwardly from thence towards the shoulder to below the clavicle; the pain then thence towards the shoulder to below the clavicle; the pain then remains at the latter place, goes down on the left side and involves the hypogastrium as a fixed drawing – on bending in the left side and on pressing on it the pain is worse, but especially during inspiration and hacking cough, when it always gives a painful jerk, which goes off but slowly. [Gss.]

385. Muscular twitching on the upper part of the chest near the left axilla (aft. 6.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

Quivering twitching on the muscles of the false ribs (aft. 36 h.). [Gn.]

In the sacrum, somewhat to the right, an aching burning. [Fz.]

In the left side of the back above the hip a painful pressing down from above (immediately). [Gss.]

On the left side of the back above the hip a painful pressing down from above (immediately). [Gss.]

On the left side near the spine, above the os ilii, an undulating blow, making him start with affright. [Gss.]

390. Shooting pinching on the back at the false ribs (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]

Violent tearing pain in the lumbar vertebrae, which spreads from both sides into the renal region, aggravated by every movement of the trunk (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]

Obtuse blows in the lumbar region with sensation of cold coming to him from without (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]

A sharp twitching stitch in the left side of the back, and at the same time in the left thigh (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.]

Burning pricking on a small spot in the middle of the back (aft. 13 h.). [Htn.]

395. Pricking out at the back. [Gn.]

Digging shooting in the right dorsal muscles, persisting during inspiration and expiration (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.]

Stitch-like tearing on the left side of the back spreading more upwards, when standing (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

Aching drawing in the spinal column below and between the scapulae, worse when moving, and especially when turning the body. [Hrr.]

In the middle of the spine, betwixt the scapulae, slow, intermittent, obtuse stitches. [Gss.]

400. When lifting a considerable weight she suddenly felt betwixt the scapulae, more towards the left, as if sprained; if she then moves the least, or draws her breath, or yawns, she gets the most violent sharp knife-stabs – she can more easily bend forward, but on bending backward she feels intolerable pains; pressing on the part produces no change. [Gss.]

Sharp, broad stitches from within outwards in the spine betwixt the scapulae (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

Drawing tearing pain in the left scapula, sometimes towards the back sometimes towards the shoulder.

On the upper part of the scapula a violent burning shooting, which went off by rubbing, but came back immediately afterwards. [Hnl.]

Itching pricks in the nape, in the morning in bed (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

405. Boring blunt stitches from the fauces out at the muscles of the nape (aft. 13 h.). [Gn.]

Drawing up the nape with stiff feeling, so that she cannot move the head properly. [Gss.]

On bending the head forward there is pan in the nape [Gss.]

Low down in the nape suddenly a painful stitch. [Gss.]

Weakness of the nape muscles; it feels as if they could not sustain the head – with painfulness on moving the head. [Gss.]

410. If she shakes her head quickly the cervical vertebrae crack perceptibly, audible even to others. [Gss.]

A burning stitch on the top of the right shoulder (aft. 2 d.). [Gn.]

Tearing pain on the left shoulder (aft. 2 d.). [Gn.]

Compressive sensation on the shoulder.

A pain compounded of pressure and drawing on the left shoulder, as from a weight, as also on the outer aspect of the upper arm, and from the elbow downwards into the deep-laying muscles of the forearm, which goes off gradually in the room. [fz.]

415. Paralytic tearing pain in and below the right shoulder-joint – more violent when moving (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]

Pain of dislocation in the arm-joints, they cannot be flexed without great pain.

On the left shoulder suddenly several painful blows as with a small iron hammer. [Gss.]

Itching pricks in and below the axilla (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

Paralytic pain as from dislocation just below the shoulder-joint, only when at rest – on moving it went off for a short time (aft. 6 h.). [Gn.]

420. Weariness in the arms and legs – he must let the arms sink down. [Gss.]

Great want of power, especially in the arms and legs: feeling as if there were no strength in them, and as if the latter could not carry the body. [Gss.]

Here and there on the limbs, sometimes on the arm, sometimes on a spot on the hand or on one finger, a painful twitching as though he had just got a hard blow there. [Gss.]

Paralytic weakness of the right arm. [Hrr.]

Paralytic heaviness and weakness in both arms, especially the upper arms and shoulder-joints – more violent at every movement (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Hrr.]

425. Paralytic weakness and heaviness of the right arm, especially in the joint – more violent on movement. [Hrr.]

Paralytic pressure and heaviness of the whole right arm, more violent on movement by which he is immediately fatigued, with loss of breath (aft. 14 h.). [Hrr.]

Paralytic weakness in the arms, when he holds a small weight for but a short time (aft. 8 h.). [Ws.]

Arms and fingers are almost quite immovable.

Paralytic weakness and heaviness of the left arm, but less severe than in the right and somewhat later than in the latter. [Hrr.]

430. The right arm is easily fatigued by very moderate exertion, so that he allows what he has in it to fall, and the same in the left but less and later. [Hrr.]

Paralytic tearing in the left arm, especially in the wrist-joint, more violent on movement (aft. 4 h.). [Hrr.]

Aching tearing in the middle of the right upper arm, quickly occurring and as quickly going off. [Hrr.]

Tearing pain in the left arm, especially the upper arm – the pain seems to be deeply seated. [Hrr.]

Tearing pressure in the middle of the left upper arm, towards the posterior and inner aspect, limited to a spot a hand’s breadth in size (aft. 48 h.). [Hrr.]

435. Intermitting aching tearing in both upper arms. [Hrr.]

When lying on the left arm a constant twitching of a muscular part in the interior of the upper arm, which goes off on altering the position, but returns on resuming the former position. [Hnl.]

In the bone of the left upper arm a penetrating pain, in fits, as if it were compressed and crushed, when at rest and when moving.

Quivering in the muscles of the right upper arm above the elbow-joint, when at rest (aft. 5.1/2 h.). [Gn.]

Quivering in the right deltoid muscles (aft. 26 h.). [Gn.]

440. Digging stitch in the right deltoid muscle (aft. 5 d.). [Gn.]

Tearing pain anteriorly in the upper half of the right upper arm (aft. 24 h.). [Hrr.]

On the lower part of the left upper arm a bruised pain.

Drawing as from powerlessness in the left deltoid muscle. [Fz.]

Transient drawifrom the elbow up towards the upper arm. [Gss.]

445. Tension with sore pain on the point of the right elbow, especially when flexing the arm (aft. 5 h.). [Ws.]

In the right forearm cramp-like stiffness. [Fz.]

Paralytic tearing pain on the right forearm above the wrist-joint. [Hrr.]

Pressive pain in the right forearm, towards the anterior and outer part. [Hrr.]

Above the left wrist, on the styloid process of the radius, a pain as if he had over-exerted, sprained, or dislocated the hand. [Fz.]

450. Pain as from dislocation in the left wrist-joint. [Fz.]

Aching tearing pain in the right wrist-joint, more violent when moving it (aft. 32 h.). [Hrr.]

Transient twitching on the left hand over the wrist-joint. [Gss.]

Two inches above the left wrist-joint on the radial side, a pinching. [Gss.]

A quick drawing in short fits from the wrist-joint towards the hand on the radial side. [Gss.]

455. Trembling and hot feeling in the left hand.

The hands tremble most when he lays them down (on the table). [Gss.]

Writing even becomes difficult for him on account of weakness in the hands, which them tremble.[Gss.]

On the back of the left hand, betwixt the index and middle fingers, a cramp-like pain. [Fz.]

Burning itching on the back of the hand as if a gnat had stung him, not removed b rubbing, for eight hours,

460. Under the wrist small wheals, with itching all day, which was aggravated by rubbing.

On the backs of both hands, a number of small, red, painless little spots.

Chilblains on the hand (during mild weather).

Swelling of the hands (in the evening).

Cramp-like contraction of the left palm, in the evening. [Fz.]

465. Cramp in the fingers which remain contracted for a long time.

Tearing in jerks from the fingers up into the hand. [Gss.]

Intermittent aching tearing in the carpal bones, metacarpal bones, and proximal phalanges of the fingers of the left hand. [Hrr.]

Aching tearing in the proximal phalanges of the fingers of the right hand, aggravated by moving them. [Hrr.]

Aching shooting burning in the outer border of the metacarpal bone of the left little finger (aft. 11 h.). [Htn.]

470. Cutting pain in the ball of the left little finger, aggravated by flexing the finger (aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]

Fine needle pricks in the tip of the left middle finger. [Fz.]

A drawing pain in the proximal phalanx of the left thumb and at the same time under the wrist. [Fz.]

In the left middle finger a painful, spasmodic drawing, intermixed with jerks so that the finger trembles. [Gss.]

In writing, when he grasps the pen, an acute twitching pain betwixt thumb and index – but if he holds the pen loosely or ceases to write, he feels nothing, but after a while the twitching returns and lasts a long time. [Gss.]

475. Few obtuses, painful blows on the metacarpal bone of the left index and on other parts of the hands, just as though a stretched nerve were painfully touched with a little hammer. [Gss.]

In the proximal joint of the left index drawing shooting towards the finger-tip.

Tearing pain in the proximal joint of the index, which gradually goes off on moving the hand (aft. 1.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

On the whole left index, a pain like dislocation on flexing and extending, and during rest, lasting several hours and frequently recurring for five days (aft. 6 h.). [Lr.]

Very painful hang-nails on the finger-tips (aft. 4 d.).

480. Shooting in the tips of the fingers of both hands.

In the muscles about the hip-joint severe pain on raising up the thigh.

Persistent itching prick in the left natis, near the anus (aft. 33 h.). [Gn.]

Muscular twitching in the left natis (aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

Restlessness in the lower extremities; he must lay them first in one place then in another, in the evening (aft. 15 h.). [Hnl.]

485. Heaviness and feeling of exhaustion in the lower extremities, especially in the thighs and knee-joints as if the legs would sink down; he is obliges to sit or lie (aft. 5 h.). [Hrr.]

Extreme heaviness and weariness of the lower extremities, especially in the knee-joints; he can hardly drag them along when walking, which is very difficult for him (aft. 8 h.). [Hrr.]

Paralytic weakness and heaviness of the lower extremities, especially of the thighs; he can hardly drag them along. [Hrr.]

When sitting feeling of weakness in the lower extremities, as if they were tired by over-walking. [Gss.]

After a walk of two hours, great weariness of the lower extremities as if he had blocks fastened to them. [Gss.]

490. Great heaviness of the lower extremities; she can hardly get upstairs, and must immediately sit down. [Gss.]

When standing he feels in the lower extremities a painful weariness, and there is so little strength in them that they cannot support the body, but threaten to give way. [Gss.]

On going upstairs the lower extremities are above as if bruised, but below they are so unsteady and weak that he is in danger of falling. [Gss.]

When sitting suddenly a transient obtuse pressure in the ossa ischii. [Gss.]

When walking dislocation pain in the right hip so that he must almost limp when walking, lasting many hours (aft. 5 h.). [Lr.]

495. Drawing in the left hip. [Fz.]

Paralytic pain in the hip-joint, when walking (aft. 25 h.). [Gn.]

Pain as if sprained just under the hip-joint, in the thigh, only when walking, not when standing (aft. 1 h.). [Gn.]

On bringing forward the thigh in walking, a pain as if sprained in the upper muscles anteriorly, which hinders him in walking, for two days. [Hnl.]

Weakness of the right lower extremity, especially of the thigh, as if in the bone, so that it was painful when standing; he must support himself on the left leg. [Hnl.]

500. Feeling of powerlessness in the thighs. [Fz.]

On the left thigh an itching pimple.

Pricking itching on the outer side of the thigh, which goes off only for a short time by rubbing (aft. ½ h.).

Itching prick quite high up on the inner side of the thigh (immediately). [Gn.]

Stitch-like pain in the muscles of the right thigh, above the knee, only when standing; it goes off on walking (aft. 2 h.). [Lr.]

505. Pricking as with a pain in the inner side of the left thigh, above the knee. [Fz.]

A pressive dragging on the inner side of the left thigh, in the groin, from the ascending ramus of the ischium to the back of the thigh; it then comes into the hip and extends thence upwards over the sacrum, towards the right side – sometimes the pain in the ischium develops into a fine throbbing. [Gss.]

Cutting pain in the interior of the left thigh. [Fz.]

Pulsating pressure as with a blunt stick, on the inner side of the middle of the thigh. [Gss.]

When walking a kind of sprain pain in the muscles of the thigh below the hip-joint. [Gss.]

510. Drawing tearing in the muscles of the left thigh, when at rest and when moving (aft. 6.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Painful pressive drawing on the outer side of the right thigh, which he has thrown over the left one when sitting. [Lr.]

Pressure in the right knee-joint (aft. 9 h.). [Hrr.]

Drawing tearing in the bone from the knee to the middle of the thigh, when sitting. [Htn.]

Sudden stiffness of the knee, which she can only bend with great pain.

515. Tearing pressure in the right knee-joint, in front, towards the inner side and below the patella (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]

Tearing pain in the ligaments of the inner side of the left knee, when at rest and when moving (aft. 9 h.). [Lr.]

On the outer side of the left knee a burning scraping sensation. [Gss.]

Obtuse shooting in the outer side of the right knee, only when standing, which went off on moving the leg and when sitting (aft. 2.1/2 h.). [Lr.]

Tensive pain in the left hough.

520. Stiffness in the right hough.

Fine painful pricks on the right knee and hough, when sitting. [Hnl.]

In the evening, bruised pain in the houghs and calves, when at rest and when moving, as if he had walked many miles.

Weakness in the knee-joints, so that he can hardly walk, with inclination to slumber. [Fz.]

Very cold knees and feet.

525. Itching quivering under the patella (aft. 55 h.). [Gn.]

Drawing tearing in the muscles of the left leg, when sitting (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]

Cramp-like tearing in the muscles the right leg, when walking (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

Painful drawing in the muscles of the right leg, on the outer side of the calf, when at rest and when moving (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]

Tensive sensation in the left leg (aft. 56 h.). [Gn.]

530. On the left leg, yellow, round spots, some of them large, for ten days.

Sensation in the leg as if it were tightly bound round with a cloth.

Drawing from the right hough towards the calf. [Fz.]

Great weariness of the legs, especially the left one, and particularly when she stands, extending from the feet upwards into the knees, and jerking drawing in the knees – at the same time the soles are painful as if sore (when standing). [Ws.]

When walking the knees tend to give way beneath her, with exhaustion of the whole body, especially when she walks in the sun, when a sweat of weakness breaks out in the face. [Gss.]

535. Severe cramp in the calf, almost all night.

When standing a painful tension at the top of the inner side of the left calf. [Gss.]

(On the tibia, a small swelling, with a red point on it which is painful when touched, as if the flesh were detached from the bone.)

Pulsating pressure on the right tibia. [Gss.]

General aching pain in the right calf (aft. 4 d.). [Gn.]

540. Pinching pain in the upper part of the inner calf muscles (aft. 24 h.). [Htn.]

Frequent heavy pain in the outer muscles of the left calf, when walking (aft. 14 h.). [Htn.]

A general pressure under the left calf, when at rest and when moving (Aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

When sitting, in the left foot, which thrown across the other hangs down, a painful sensation, as if a heavy weight hung on its point. [Gss.]

When sitting the feet from above the ankles to the soles, including some of the toes, are painful, less so when she walks and stands. [Gss.]

545. The feet are affected with a disagreeable heat, though outwardly they feel but little warmer than the legs. [Gss.]

Transient heat in the feet.

Tearing mingled with jerking in both ankles (worst in the inner ankle)of the right foot and thence downwards into the toes, when sitting – on standing it appears less, then there is again tearing from the toes upwards. [Gss.]

When sitting a constant formicating sensation in the feet, as if they would go to sleep – which, however, they do not – or as if he had had a very long walk – which, also, was not so; this sensation gradually goes up the legs. [Gss.]

On the feet, especially about the ankles, reddish swelling, with feeling as if they were too tightly bound.

550. In the evening, sudden swelling about the ankles.

In the evening, when lying in bed, pain below both ankles, as if the left heel were torn out.

Itching prick under the left inner ankle (aft. 7 h.). [Gn.]

Itching prick on the left outer ankle (aft. 3 d.). [Gn.]

Itching on the dorsum of the left foot (aft. 4 and 72 h.). [Gn.]

555. Drawing tearing pain betwixt the metatarsal bones of the two last left toes (aft. 7 h.). [Htn.]

Tearing pressure in the right heel (aft. 30 h.). [Hrr.]

When treading on the outside of the right heel a pressive obtuse shooting pain up to the calf, going off on raising up the foot, only when walking (aft. 4 h.). [Htn.]

Cramp-like pain on the sole of the right foot when sitting (aft. ¾ h.). [Lr.]

Sharp pressure above the right sole, transversely across, when sitting.[Gss.]

560. Violent burning in hands and feet.

After walking in the open air internal heat, especially in the chest and abdomen, without thirst.

(Ftom fright, paralysis in the left arm and left leg, which went off in the night.)

Shooting pinching alternately on different parts of the body (aft. 10 h.). [Ws.]

Itching burning pricks over the whole body, but worse on the trunk than on the limbs, especially in the morning in bed, for some days (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]

565. Itching eruption all over the body.

On undressing an eroding itching on the skin of the whole body which compels him to scratch, just as when an eruption is breaking out (aft. 13 h.). [Lr.]

When walking and standing fine needle-pricks over almost the whole left side of the body; the following day only on the right side. [Hnl.]

Weight in all the limbs, exhaustion on the chest, and fits of great anxiety.

Painful heavy pressure first in one then in another bone. e.g. in the right temple, the left zygoma, the middle of the bones of the fore-arm, &c. (aft. 9 h.). [Htn.]

570. Bruised feeling in the limbs, and especially over the sacrum.

The sufferings often begin slightly, then slowly increase to considerable intensity, and decline equally slowly, especially the pressive drawing pains. [Gss.]

When walking the symptoms seem to go off, they return immediately when at rest – only the weariness is most felt when walking. [Gss.]

Causes emaciation and consumption (Taking together symptoms 331, 332, 337 to 379, along with above observations of STAHL’s we can understand how some kinds of ulcerative pulmonary phthisis have been cured homoeopathically by means of tin; e.g. MURALTUS (Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. I, obs.9), Commerc. lit. Nor., ann. 1734, p. 67, FR. HOFFMANN (Opera. Tom. ii, sect. 2, c. 13, 14.), THIERRY (Med, Experiment., Cogn. Et Cur. Morb., § 646), without including the corroborative testimony I could myself adduce in proof of its curative virtue in such diseases.) [STAHL, l. c.]

Extreme prostration of mind and body. [Hrr.]

575. Very exhausted and sleepy, so that he can scarcely hold up.

Excessive exhaustion of the whole body and prostration of the mind – he cannot remain long at work, must lie down, and cannot keep off sleep; he falls asleep, but frequently awakes with unimportant dreams. [Hrr.]

Powerlessness: she feels as though her legs were broken. [Gss.]

Extreme prostration: he would always sot or lie down, and when he does sit down he falls as it were into the chair, because he has no strength to sit down slowly. [Gss.]

Weariness in the whole body, especially after going upstairs, for seven days.

580. By day great weariness; he must lie down, but cannot sleep; of he dozes off he gets thereafter vertigo and a kind of absence of mind and stupidity, for half an hour.

Extreme weariness, though he moved about but little all day – he will always be seated; on walking slowly he feels it most, on account of which he involuntarily walks quickly, when he feels it less. [Gss.]

When he goes upstairs quickly, or otherwise moves quickly, he does not feel his weakness so much while so moving as when he moves slowly, but he feels all the weaker afterwards. [Gss.]

In the limbs and in the whole body he trembles much; he has no steadiness in them – when he grasps anything firmly the hand does not tremble, but it does so when he lays it down lightly and loosely. [Gss.]

When going upstairs she feels nothing of exhaustion; but when she has come downstairs she feels so exhausted that she can hardly breathe. [Gss.]

585. (True epilepsy. (In a boy, aged 7, subject to attacks of convulsions in the morning, before eating (combined with jalap-powder). If this effect is properly attributable to the tin, then we can understand how DON. MONRO (Arzneimittel., I, p. 226) and FOTHERGILL (Med. Observ. and Inquir., Lond., 1784 vi) Could cure similar affections with tin, and how QUINCY (Nov. Dispensat.) could say:’There is no more powerful anti-epileptic than tin.” ) [MEYER ABRAHAM, Diss. Cauteloe de Anthelminth., Gotting., 1782.]

Frequent starting at night in bed, as from affright. [Lr.]

After a walk in the open air sleepiness, particularly induced by music, and on closing her eyes there occurred immediately a vivid dream.

Drowsiness; his eyes close (aft. 2 h.). [Hrr.]

Profound sleep several nights.

590. When walking in the open air much yawning, but with oppression as from a hoop round the chest.

Though he had a great desire to yawn he could not yawn completely, however wide he opened his throat.

Stretching of the arms and yawning (aft. a few m.).

Frequent yawning as though he had not slept sufficiently (aft. 6.1/2 h.) [Lr.]

Inclination to yawn. [Hrr.]

595. Frequent waking at night as though he had slept enough. [Lr.]

Evening doze prevented by constant restlessness in the legs.

(He talked in his sleand insisted on the uselessness of an external remedy for an internal complaint, as in a somnambulic state.)

The child whines at night in sleep, it weeps, begs and implores in a frightened manner,

On two nights dreams about the same subject, with anxiety as if he had neglected his business. [Fz.]

600. After waking at 1 a.m. restlessness in the whole body and at the same time a digging in the tibiae.

Anxious dreams of quarrelling, strife, and fighting. [Gn.]

Very vivid anxious dreams at night.

Confused but very vivid dreams, in which a great many things go contrary, and she sometimes talks aloud – she often tosses about in bed and wakes up four time, when to her astonishment always finds herself sitting up in bed. [Gss.]

She has confused unremembered dreams. [Gss.]

605. Vivid, but yet confused dreams; in the morning he can only partially remember them. [Gss.]

Dreams of fire. [Hnl.]

Vivid dream full of cruelty – the second night. [Lr.]

Agreeable dreams of earthly pomp and grandeur, which after she awakes keep her in a cheerful humour. [Gss.]

Lascivious dreams, without erection and yet seminal emission.[Lr.]

610. Lascivious dreams, with erection without seminal emission. [Gn.]

At night erection of the penis without lascivious dreams. [Lr.]

When he wakes up at night he finds himself, contrary to custom lying on the back, the right leg extended, but the left drawn quite up to the body and half exposed. [Gss.]

He wakes up at night, and before going to sleep again he has undulating drawing, painful jerks in one hand, as it were in the course of the nerves, so that he could have cried out. [Gss.]

After lying down in the evening he soon falls asleep, (Reaction of the vital force, curative action, secondary action; he was in the habit of lying for a long time before he could get to sleep.) and only awakes late in the morning. [Gss.]

615. Dizzy in the morning on waking, as though he had not slept enough, and yet he had slept more than usual. [Gn.]

In the morning on waking headache with heat of head.

In the morning on rising the back and lower extremities are painful as if bruised; she is as tired as if she had not slept, and as if the limbs had rested too little – this goes off somewhat some hours after rising. [Gss.]

Having risen from bed, when dressing she is suddenly attacked by such exhaustion that she can hardly breathe. [Gss.]

Chilliness all over the body for half an hour (aft. 3 h.). [Hrr.]

620. A very transient chilliness; especially along the back. [Hrr.]

Shivering only in the left arm, during which the arm was convulsively contracted.

Shivering in the evening, only in the left leg to half way up the thigh.

Several forenoons (about 10 o’clock), shivering, cold hands and fingers dying away, with insensibility of the tips of the fingers.

Along with slight sensation of coldness and slight shivering, goose-skin over the arms and constant chattering of the teeth, like a convulsion of the masticatory muscles.

625. Feeling of heat especially internally.[Hrr.]

Great heat in the head, with hot forehead – also redness of face – and general though slighter heat of the whole body, more severe in the evening, with much thirst, for five successive evenings (aft. 5 d.).

Sensation of heat all over the body especially noticeable on the thighs and back. [Hrr.]

Great heat all over the body, especially on the chest and back, with a feeling as if hot sweat were running down, without externally perceptible heat (aft. 4 h.). [Hrr.]

In the afternoon (from 4 to 5 o’clock), heat and sweat all over the body (aft. 9 h.) followed by chilliness – during and after the heat, thirst, and so for several afternoons about the same time, thirst.

630. During only slight movement, hot sweat all over the body and complete loss of strength. [Hrr.]

He feels as if sweat would break out – an anxious heat attacks him in fits. [Gss.]

Anxious heat and sweat continually break out on him, even on the slightest movement. [Gss.]

Profuse night-sweat, for two nights (aft. 48 h.).

Every morning after 4 o’clock, profuse sweat.

635. In the morning, sweat chiefly on the neck, nape and forehead.

Extremely restless and distracted; he has no perseverance in work. [Lr.]

He stays in no place long, but goes from one place to another. [Hrr.]

Dawdling and irritable, with heat of face; she wished to do all sorts of things and could accomplish nothing.

Busy uselessness : he exerts himself to get a necessary task done at the appointed hour, and cannot accomplish it, as though prevented by an over-crowding of thoughts, during which one thing and another occur to him which he wishes to do. [Gss.]

640. Peevish: nothing was done according to his wish. [Lr.]

He is disinclined for all intellectual work and cannot collect his thoughts. [Hrr.]

In the morning on waking his memory is defective,

Obtuse in mind, indifferent to external things and disposed for nothing; at the same time he looks pale and dull about the eyes (aft. 10 h.). [Gn.]

(Anxiety for several days – indescribable anguish and melancholy.)

645. Moroseness all day, which gradually goes off when walking in the open air. [Fz.]

Dull, hypochondriacal humour.


Silent, reserved disposition; he thought about the present and the future and was much concerned about the latter. [Lr.]

Aversion from and dread of people.

650. Silent moroseness; he speaks and answers unwillingly and only in broken words (aft. 10 h.). [Hrr.]

Silent moroseness: he is easily angered, readily gets heated, speaks and answers very unwillingly. [Hrr.]

He has no wish to speak.

He has pleasure in nothing and yet is not exactly morose.

Reserved and silent, with indescribable discomfort in the whole body (aft. 7 h.). [Gn.]

655. In the first three days he is rather calm and his vexation quickly passes off, does not fly into a passion, is rather quickly sensitive; the fourth day he is disposed to stormy anger and to fly into a passion – but the angry disposition does not last long. [Gss.]

Very violent but quickly passing anger. [Gss.]

Silent but not quickly passing anger. [Gss.]

Good-humoured, talkative and sociable. [Lr.]

Calm, collected disposition; he was reconciled to his fate and was perfectly contented with his lot. [Lr.]

660. Excessively merry (Seems to be alternating action.) (aft. 12 h.). [Gn.]

Published by Dr. Sheela Suresh

Homeopathy Doctor

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